“The intuitive
mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have
created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.” - Albert
My intuitive mind,
which I believe is our soul that resides in the heart, was quietly guiding me,
while my rational mind firmly controlled my path. Albert Einstein knew we had those two roles
mixed up. French philosopher and Jesuit priest, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin said it so beautifully, “We
are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings
having a human experience.” Thus, as we can understand that part of us is physical, we also must acknowledge that another part of us is spiritual. The gift of spirit in our daily living is sometimes ignored
or dominated by our rational mind. Yes,
we need our rational mind to get us to the market, to remind us to feed
ourselves, etc., but the role it should play is that of supporter. The star is our intuitive mind, which is the
gift of our divine knowing.
Do We Recognize the Intuitive Mind?
Have you ever made a
decision you regretted and then said to yourself "Something told me to go
the other way?" That
"something" is the quiet voice of our intuition. The intuitive voice is usually soft and
non-intrusive and does not cause fear.
We can tap into that quiet voice through meditation and prayer and by
placing our hand over our heart at any time and in any place and call forth our
soul to answer. Calling forth our
intuition is like a muscle. The more we
do it, the clearer and stronger that intuitive voice will be.
Limitations of the Rational Mind
Our rational mind is
protective of our survival−the creator of our flight or fight response−and can
cause us to have fear and doubt. Our rational mind also mirrors the voices we
heard growing up, which causes limited thinking (our Monkey Minds). If we were told we were stupid as a child,
the rational mind will remind us of this for on our protection until we tell it
otherwise. Gay Hendricks, research
psychologist and author of The Big Leap,
calls this an Upper Limit Problem. (More about our Upper Limit in the next
blog). We can program our rational mind to be in line with our spiritual selves
as we grow. We can tell our rational
mind that we are no longer the child who was scared, self-doubting, and
alone. Remember, our rational mind is,
after all, our faithful servant. The key is to learn how to use our intuition
by recognizing our soul's quiet guidance and then reprogram our rational brain
to obey the direction of our heart, which is where our soul resides.
30- Day Mirror Affirmation
If you are suffering from the the demands of the rational mind, our survival mind that can indeed keep us up at night with anxiety, try the following affirmation for 30 days:
I surrender to the guidance of
my heart, and trust that all my needs and desires have already been given to
me. I accept this gift right now in this
moment and affirm that it is so.